Hireling | Person who works for money | hireling politician, Hireling man gradually looses his genuine interest to work |
Hirsute | Hairy, | Hirsute men |
Histrionic | theatrical, pertaining to acting | |
Hive | Garner, amass, collect, cummulate | |
Hoard | Earmark, save for future , stock, reserve | |
Hoary | become old, grey | Hoary mazzle of dog, hoary myths , don't tell that hoary joke again at dinner to night |
Hoax | tricky , cheat, decieve | Hoax letter |
holocaust | devastation, carnage, catastope, genocide | |
Holster | case to keep gun, pistol | |
Homage | show respect to, showoff, In his speech he paid homage to so and so | |
Homely | Not beautiful, not good looking | she is homely , homely child, homely food |
Homeostasis | uniformely balanced , | |
Homespun | Home made , | |
Homily | | |
Hone | sharp a tool | hone before cutting vegetables |
horde | herd, group, hive | |
Hortutory | Urging to some course of action, | A hortutory speech(orator, eulogy) |
Horticulture | cultivate fruits, plants | Hartuiculature a hobby of housewife |
Hostage | Prison someone to exact their wants | he was hostaged to Indians |
Hostility | enmity, enemy, mitigancy, belligerancy | troy's hostility towards trojans made them to attack |
Hothead | quick action without thinking | don't carryout works with hothead |
Hovel | wretched hut, home | |
Hubbub | confused, loud noise | there was quite a hubbub in auditorium after that announement |
hubris | audacity, disdain, arogance, excessive pride | |
Hue | Tint , color | |
Husk, hull | dry epidermis of fruit | |
Humane | generous, kind, amiable, altruistic, charitable | |
Humanism | Humane | |
Humdrum | boring, a humdrum programme | |
Humility | Humbleness, abasement, meekness | |
Hummock | High point, hump, hillock | |
Hurl | hurl insults at umpire , through vigourously , fling, dash | |
Hurtle | a car hurtled down on highway | |
Husbandory | Economical, provident, cultivate animals |
Hut | small home | |
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