Earmark | Savings for a cause, for a perticular purpose | | |
Earn | Gain | | |
Earthly | Of this earth, not divine | | |
Earthy | Crude, Unrefined | | |
Ebb | Recede, diminish, slowdown | | |
Ebullient | Excitement, showing Enthusiasm, Boiling | | |
Eccentric | Not concentric, irregular, whimsical, bizarre | | |
Eccentricity | Oddity, Idiosyncracy | | |
Ecclesiastic | Pertaining to church, clergyman | | |
Eclectic | Selective, | | |
Eclipse | Darken, Surpass | | |
Ecliptic | Path of the sun or planet | | |
Ecologist | Person who studies environment and living organisms | | |
Economy | Thrifty usage of money or resources | | |
Ecosystem | Environment surrounding us, | | |
Ecstasy | Very storng feeling of happyness | | |
Eddy | Swirling current of air or water | | |
Edict | Official order, Decree | | |
Edifice | Opulence building | | |
Edify | Correct morally | | |
Eerie | Weired, scary | | |
Efface | Rubout, remove surface of | | |
Effectual | Capable of bringing desired effects , efficasy | | |
Effectuate | Effectuate a reconcilliation | | |
Effeminate | having traits of a woman | | |
Effervesence | Bubbling, exuberance, inner exitement | | |
Effete | Exhausted ,Barren , Worn out | | |
Efficacy | Effectual, capable of doing desired things | | |
Effigy | Immitate, sculpture, mould , Dummy | | |
Effluvium | Bad smelling, noxious | | |
Effrontary | Brave, nerve, cheek, presumptuous | | |
Effulgent | Brilliant, shining brightly | | |
Effusion | Separate, Pou out, Gushing | | |
Ego | Self Esteem | | |
Egoism | Over self esteem , Selfishness | | |
Egotism | Tendency to write about oneself, conceit | | |
Egotistical | Self centered, Conceited | | |
Egregious | notoriuos, conspicuously bad | | Egregious gambler |
Egress | Exit, Opening for going out | | |
Ejaculation | Exclamation, Discharge of sperm | | |
Elaborate | Explain in detail | | |
Elaboration | Addition of details, Intricasy | | |
Elastic | Tendency to expand, spring action | | |
Elated | Very happy, | | |
Elegy | Mournfull, Meloncholy | | |
Elevation | Height, Altitude | | |
Elicit | | | |
Elixir | Cure all,Panacea | | |
Elliptical | Oval, | | |
Ellipsis | Omission of words from a sentence | | |
Elope | run away intentionaly with an intention of getting married | | |
Eloquence | Explain, Expound, | | |
Elucidate | Lucid, clear, Clarify | | |
Elusive | Puzzling, clever, efflugent | A fish is too elusive to catch | |
Elysian | Blissfull, delighted | | |
Elysium | Place or condition of bliss | | |
Emaciated | Thin and weaker from hundry | | |
Emanate | Issue forth, come out | | |
Emancipate | Liberate , setfree | | |
Emasculate | weaken, castrate | | |
Embarg | To ban, Restrict, postcription | | |
Embed | Include, | | |
Embellish | Amplify, Adorn | | |
Embezzlement | Sltealing | | |
Embitter | Make bitter | | |
Emblozan | Ornament richly | | |
Embody | Embed, Include | | |
Emboss | Decorate with raised design | | |
Embrace | Hug, Espouse | | |
Embroide | Decorate with needle work | | |
Embroil | Quarrel | | |
Embryonic | Not developed | | |
Emend | Correct | | |
Emetic | Vomit causing | | |
Eminet | Capable of doing, lofty , high | | |
Emissary | Messenger | | |
Emollient | soothing or softening skin | | |
emolument | salary | | |
Empathy | abilty to understand others feelings | | |
Empirical | based on experience | | |
Emulate | Imitate | | |
Enact | Make into law | | |
Enamored | love , | | |
Enciper | Convert a message into code | | |
Encircle | Surround | | |
Enclave | teritory enclosed within an alien land | | |
Encomiastic | Eulogist | | |
Encompass | Surround | | |
Encroachment | Gradual intrusion | | |
Encumber | Burden | | |
Endear | Make beloved | | |
Endearment | Affection | | |
Endemic | Spreading | | |
Endorse | Approve | | |
Endue | Provide with some quality | | |
Enduring | Long lasting | | |
Energize | Give energy | | |
Enervate | Waeken, emanciated | | |
Enfranchise | Give right of citizenship | | |
Engage | Attractive, engaging | | |
Engaged | busy | | |
| | | |
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