Hyperbole Exitement, escatsy, exageration
Hypercritical very critical,
Hypnosis sleeping, hypnotize
Hypochodriac Person unduly worried about health
Hypocritical Deceiving
Hypothetical theoritical, Based on assumptions
hysteria Hyperbole, ecstasy,
Ichthyology study of fish
Icon Model, eligious, Image
Iconoclastic One who attacks traditional ideas
Idealogy Principles,
Idiom sentence whoes meaning differs from indivisual words
Idiosynchracy Different in opinion
Idle lazzy, not working
Idolatry worshiping GOD
Idyll Heyday
Igneous catch fire , volcanic
Ignite set to fire
Ignoble not Ideal,
Ignominy shameful
Illicit Illegal
Illimitable Limit less, Infinite
Illuminate gleam, glow, spark
Illusion delusion, false Idea, assumption
Illusive deceive, Hypocritical
Illusory Deceiptive
Imbalance Not balanced, not in equillibrium
Imbecillity feeble minded, stupid person
Imbibe drink in
Imbroglio Complicated situation, departed due to imbroglio
Imbue saok thoroughly
Immaculate Perfect, tidy
Imminent Near at hand , proximate, their impending marriage, impending
Immobility Not movable, can't be moved
Immolate self immolate in protest
Immune Resistent
Immure shut, close between walls
Immutable unchangeable
Impair damage, Injure
Impale Pierce,
Impalpable esoteric, not easily understood
Impart grant,
Impartial fair, impartiality
Impassable not able to cross
Impasse difficult situation
Impassioned fervent, filled with passion
Impassive Impassive face, stoical
Impeach arresty an offe\icer on crime
mpeccable faultless