Friday, August 28, 2009

Wordlist 33!

Oaf Stupid
Obdurate Stubborn
Ordial Severe practice
Ordinal Official , madatory
Orthodox: Traditional
Occlude close,
Occult Secrete
Olfactory Sensible sence
Occidental Artificial language
Oblviate get rid off
Offhand no practice
Ostinate stubborn
Ostretatious Boistrerous
Overbearing Managerial
Omnicient All knowing
Omnipotent All powerful
Omivorous Eating meet and veg
Omnipresent Present everywhere
Outwit Smart
Overwhelming Presumptuious
Outskirts Borders
Outlandish Peculiar
Omenous Furious, threating
Ongry Wicked, angry
Ossyous Related to bone
ossify Lank, bony
Ordious Having some oder
Odyssy Tediuos journey
Ornate Decorate
Ovulate Wavering , clapping
Opus: work
Onus Responsible
Ostentatious showy, flaunt
Orient Adjust
Oriental Arrangements
Opulence wealthy
Opaque Not transperent
Opalscence Layer of colors
Obssession Preoccupied
Obesse Fat
Obstrtician One who is expert in delivey
Oculist One who is expert in eye medicines
Oliarchy Rule by few
Optitrician One who repairs opticles
Ogle Look indirectly
Obfuscate stingy
Outmodish out dated style
Opertunist One who waits for an opertunity
Opertunity chance
Obitual Death notice
Obloguy redicule,
Oploquy Realted to death
Obeince Owing
Obelisk Like a pyramid
Obesity Excessive fat
Objective Goal , secondary meaning is not emotional
Obligatory binding
Oblique slant
Obliterate lit, cause destract
Oblivion forgotten
Oblivious weak minded
Obnoxious furios, wretched
Obscure not clear
Obsequiom Servile
Obsidian Rock from lava
Obselete out dated style
Obtuse futile, useless
Odium oodihogodu, to hate
Odiuous Disgrace, hate
Onerous Burdensome, Onus = responsible
onomatopoeia Using words that imitates the sound that they denote
Onslaught assault
Opiate drug addict, narcoutic
Opprobrium defame
optometrits oculist
Orifice small opening
Orthography corerct spelling
Ornithologist study of birds
Oust Expel

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wordlist 32 !!

1) Natty : Well Dressed

2) Nebulous : Cloudy, not clear

3) Nexus : Joining Point

4) Nib : Pointed, Pen point

5) Natation : Swimming

6) Navigable : Able to pass by a ship

7) Navigate: To sail

8) Negligence ;

9) Negligible:

10) Negate : Deny, nullify

11)Nepotism: Favouritism

12) Neophyte: Beginner

13) Neologism : coining of a new word

14) Nihilist : Nothing = Nihil. Having no trust in GOD

15) Niggard ; Stingy

16) Necro : black magic

17) Nefarious : Naughty

18) Nautical: working at night

19) Nemesis : Revenge

20) Noisome : foul smelling

21) Nauseate : Foul smelling, Noisome

22) Nirvana : heavenly state, enlightenment

23) Nominal : Economical

24) Nomenclature : terminology

25) Nomadic: Wondering

26) Nicety : Precision

27) Nip: Bite

28 )Nettle : ennui, annoy

29) Neder : Down

30) Niggle : Spend time on trivial things

Monday, August 24, 2009

Word list 32

1)Moratorium: TO keep on hold, legal delay in payment

2)Morbid: Unhealthiness

3)Mores: Moral standards

4)Moribund: Dying

5)Mortify: Humiliate

6)Mortician : Undertaker

7)Mote: fleck of dust

8) Muggy : Later drizzle, humid

9)Myriad : Numerous

10)Myopic: Short-sighted

11)Mutability: Ability to move, mobility

12)Muted: maim, silent

13)Munificent : Gracious, generous

14)Nadir: Down to earth

15)Naivety : Innocents

16)Narcissist : Conceited person

17)Narrate: Read out a story, orator

18)Mottled: splash the colour, patched colours

19)Motley: Mixed colours

20)Musky : Aged, Unhealthyness

21)Murky: Dark, gloomy

22)Mountebank: Quack, charlatan

23)muster : confuse, clumsy

24)Multiplicity : Numerous

25)Multilingual : Knowing / Having many languages

26)Mosaic: Tiled designs

27)Motif: Theme

28) Mulct : Fraud

29)Mutinous : Rebellious

30) Multiform : many types

31) Multifarious : working in various ways

32) Mordant : Stinging,

33) Moral : wall painting

34) Muse : Amuse, Ponder

Reading comprehension tips continued !!

Tips 8) When you are asked to apply the sentence from paragraph to other situation or meaning of a sentence then see the context next to it for a clue. Search for the sentence which relates to the context. ]

Tips 9) When asked for continuation or next paragraph after passage, put yourself in place of Author.

Yest I scored 3/3 rt ans in RC

Friday, August 21, 2009

RC Tips continued !!

Here we go...

Next tips to solve RC is

2) When you are asked meaning of particular word or phrase, Search for the same or its synonym from Passage. Scan the passage for the word or synonym.

3) When you asked inferences. Don't write a sentence directly from Paragraph. Just go through passage and conclude in your own words. Say if passage conclusion is in which tone possitive , neutral or negative? . Accordingly you eliminate choices and finally make a best of remaining choices.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Reading Comprehension tips

Reading Comprehension is a section in GRE exam. We are tested our reading ability using few paragraphs followed by questions. Reading comprehension bestows 20 to 30 % of total GRE score.

RC is usually a nightmare for students. Here are few tips which surely helps to get easy with RC.

1)Author's tone / attitude towards passage
2)Which of the following sentence best summarizes the passage
3)Summary or conclusion that can be drawn from passage
4)From the passage "word" means
5) How author related paragraphs one with two?
6) What are the applications arrived from paragraph

Finally if you are expecting questions before and try to observe possible answers interims you are reading passage.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The waiting game

People who procrastinate usually less happier, wealthier and healthier. Ninety five percent of the people usually procrastinate and remaining make it a habit. People who procrastinate are dormant in nature. We usually postpone important things and suffer long term. If you dwindle on savings then you can't enjoy your old golden age. If you bypass difficulties you delay in reaching goals.

So researches proved that there are several methods to reduce procrastination.We will discuss few important parameters to avoid postponing things and make our life happier, wealthier and healthier long term.

1) Avoid revisiting E mail.

People tend to check their mail very often for twenty minute once. They make that a habit and give preference to it. So keep first things first and do the important things before checking mails repeatedly.

2) Observe and improve yourself

Constant evaluation of your progress and implementing new ideas may work out in a better way. Ultimately you can end up with expected results

3) Reward yourselves.

Every kind of work exact its own inputs may be in the form of rewards, laudatory remarks. So it is vwry important to reward yourselves after constant growth.

4) Enjoy your success.

Most people forget to practice last point. Effective tool which drags us towards success is end result. so if you enjoy, celebrate your success it will be a motive for next dream.

Finally procrastinating things neither fruitful to us nor to others. So practice habit of doing it right now.

Words from L

Lineaments = Features of face , lineaments of sincere repentant.
Linger = spread, persists. Mom made stuffed cabbage yesterday but smell lingered till today.
Linguistic = pertaining to language, Tourists have to suffer fewer linguistic problems since English has become universal language
Lionize = treat as a celebrity, She enjoyed being lionized publicly.
Liquidate = Settle debts Company was forced to liquidate before filing bankruptcy.
List = Tilt, Lean Pole listed a little in spite it should be vertical.
Listless = Weak, lacking Zeal . a listless mood
Litany = subsidiary prayer. Tedious complaints. We heard complete litany of her.
Lithe = Flexible
Litigate = Lawsuit
Litotes = Under estimate, Ridicule " Not bad at all"
Livid = Lead like, Burning anger
Loath = Persist, hang back
Loathe = Disgust, a loathsome
Lode = long prevailing ore
Loft = place or room below roof
Log = scheduled tasks
Loiter = Hang over
Loll = Relax
Longevity = Long living
Loom = Grow immense
Lope = gallop slowly slow lope of our horse made us to enjoy superb scenery
Lopsided = unbalanced Heavy rush created lopsided bus
Lounge = Laudatory, loiter
Lout = Lout person, fussy, replant, awkward stupid person, Delivery boy was so lout that we sent back the material
Lucid = Limpid, crystal clear
Lucrative = Profitable
Lucre = Money
Ludicrous = Laughable
Lugubrious = Mournful

Thursday, August 6, 2009

words starting from K and L

Kaleidoscope Tube made of color glasses
Ken Knowledge
Kernel Centrel or vital part
Killjoy Person who enjoy other sufferings, or destroys other's joy
Kindly Ignite, start a fire
Kindred related, group
Kinetic Moving element
Kismet Fate
Kleptomaniac Person who has a compulsive desire to steal
Knack trick
Knave Scoundrel
Knead Mix
Kneel go down on own's knee
Knell funeral bell
Knit join together
Knoll Hillock
Knotty Intricate, difficult
Kudos Appreciate
Labile Unstable
Laborious Tedious
Labyrinth Maze
Laceration tear with glasses
Lachrymose tear, cry
Lackadaisical Lazy, lethargic
Lackluster Loosing shine, gleeamyless
Laconic few words
Lag slowly
laggard slowly
lagoon lake seperated from a sea by corals
laity Laymen
Lament Lamentation, express sarrow
Lampoon Ridicule

Words from J

Jab Impunge, Punch with short blows
Jabber Very talktive, garulous, loquacious
Jaded Jaded apetite gives almost sililar to lazy,bore in usage
Jargon Technical terminology, gibberish
Jaundice Go yellow
Jaunt Itenirary, small trip
Jaunty animated, happy person
Jeopardize Danger
Jest Act playfully
Jetsam Things thrown from a ship
Jibe agree, gibe,
Jingoist extreamely aggressive
Jocose Joking
Jocular Jest, act playfully
Jocund merry
Jollity Merry
Jostle in a group to push against
Jovial Jolly type
Jubilation Celebration, great joy
Judicious Wise,
Juggermaut Irresistable crushing force
Jumble Mix up
Juncture Point , Joining point