Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"It is easy to welcome innovation and accept new ideas. What most people find difficult, however, is accepting the way these new ideas are put into practice."

Human tendency that "he always welcome new ideas and innovations". "it is easy to said rather done" likewise for an individual innovations and new ideas look simple for the first glance, in fact new technologies take lot of time and effort to adopt. Changes are must in day to day leaving, so we always welcome new changes, if we are able to convey the methods of adopting to these changes then one can avail greater benefit of innovations.

Information technology crosses many milestones and successful in developing new ideas and methods. Being in the receptive end of these whimsically changing technologies one can be very excited about it interim, adopting to these ideas and methods will not be an easy cake. For example "Innovations in banking sector". Companies adopting many advanced banking systems like internet banking, mobile banking etc.Card payments through credit cards, visa cards, debit card etc. Over the years man has witnessed these revolutionary changes. So, as and when banks apply new technologies user finds difficult to learn how to use facilities provided by bank?.

Lime light on "what are the reasons behind "user finding difficulty to use new banking technologies". Lack of training, Not adequate awareness, lack of facilities etc. After adopting to innovative methods, employees should made to learn it and pass on to user. So a cycle of information transfer from developer to employees to users help end user to get benefited by system. A good trainer should educate his employees about new ideas going to applicable. So that a new idea is applicable to system as a whole should be conveyed to users. When "user guides" and suitable awareness created among users slowly they get accustomed to these methods.

Intervene of new ideas with very little time may cause preposterous system. So it is not feasible to switch on to many new ideas frequently . Rather select a best new idea and stick to it. So that in an organization or society will get adequate time to get accustomed to changes. For example in a agricultural sector, invention of chemical for crops. Formers starts using chemicals after good advertisement and come to know about reliability after getting crops. So he will realize worth of new idea only when he get benefited by it. So user finds it difficult yo adopt to new ideas if things changes volatile.

Finally, accepting new ideas and practicing can be dome easily with good training and awareness. Welcome of many new ideas in a short span of time may not be feasible when it comes to practice of these techniques. It is advisable always "Welcome an innovation easy but practicing without proper training and awareness will be difficult. So both accepting new ideas and practicing the same should go hand n hand. One shouldn't be too open hearten to accept new technologies unless prior one is put into practice thoroughly.

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